Hyderabad: The secret behind Lokesh’s American trip is revealed. News is spread around that the appointment has been fixed for Lokesh to meet the American President, Barrack Obama. For this, the yellow media branding has already started publicizing. So, what next, the young leader is about to meet the American President, where he would definitely discuss about the Chandrababu Naidu’s rule in the new State and the Capital formation. This is all advertised by yellow media.
Here lies the magic. In reality, Lokesh met American President, Obama on 7th of this month in Portland, where the President is on his tour in that place, where he is a part of the Party fund collections, organized by the Democratic Party in Sentinel Hotel where everyone is allowed to participate.
There is a tradition in America, where different methods are employed to raise the party fund. This means, When the President is present in the party; any one can participate by purchasing different range of tickets under different costs. For example, if any one pays, 500 dollars, the person is allowed to participate in the dinner party, if 5000 dollars are paid, the person can take a photo with the president, if 10000 dollars are paid there can participate in a small meeting “Meet and Greet” with Obama. So, there lies the logic. This means if the cost for the ticket is paid to meet President, then meeting is possible.
This means that anyone can pay money to participate. Thought money is paid to get the appointment with the President, it has been portrayed that they got an appointment. The same methodologies were followed before elections recently by AAP party. Yellow media is capable of doing it very well for such occasions.
The yellow media might have shown the breaking news in the television channels this month as “Young leader is about to meet Obama”. The next day, they might have announced in the channels as, “Obama congratulated Lokesh or Obama is very much impressed by Chandrababu Governance or Obama follows Naidu in building the Capital” may be highlighted as news items in yellow media news papers. If public would know the background of this, we might expect some break for this flow of news.
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